Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Day of Hades

Well we all feel more bonded now after going to hell and back today with a visit from the grim reaper in the form of vendors on the bus in Orange Walk. Okay let us explain further....We went back to Orange Walk aka Hades to visit an amazing prosthetic/orthotic clinic put on by some people from the US. They come down to Belize twice a year to custom fit both children and adults with AFO's (ankle-foot braces) as well as prosthetics for amputees. It was such a great experience to see them in action and we even got to see some of our little cutie clients who we had visited during our home visits with Hilda! Although we had a blast at the clinic we all began to feel the delirium set in in the clinic as there were limited fans and basically no where to sit down. Hilda realized we were melting and decided we should get lunch and do some home visits.

We trundled off from the clinic into the blazing abyss. Had a great lunch minus the "vegetable salad" which in actuality was made completely of soupy mayo...poh cried when it came because she couldn't distinguish between the clumps of so called veggies. Post lunch we walked to the bus terminal, all the while discussing with Hilda how Orange Walk seems to be at least 20 degrees hotter than Belize City. It got much worse as we boarded the trusty school bus only for it not to leave for about 30 minutes. During this time we all experience extreme heat, profuse sweating and each of our first panic attacks. The bus was packed (as always), children were screaming, vendors were bustling up and down the crowded aisles selling anything and everything. At one point cat looked down the aisle to see poh deliriously trying to flagged down the vendor selling a shotty slushie in a plastic cup, but due to her exhaustion she couldnt even lift her arm or speak loud enough to get his attention. Luckily Krust saved the day and yelled to the man, while at the same time passed him the 50 cent coin. Poh claims she would have died had this not happened....we all believe her.

Finally we got to a little town called San Jose after almost losing sully on the bus, she could have ended up in Mexico. The heat continued to rise as we trekked down the dusty roads of SJ to two home visits which were great minus the lack of concentration, at one point sully turned to poh and said "It looks like you went swimming". We also experienced our first belizean squirrel which was being kept hostage in a cage in a clients kitchen...strange. After this Hilda told us she didn't want us to die in her care so she decided to get us back on the bus so we could get back to Belize City. Luckily this bus ride wasn't as bad but it was still about 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

We made it back to the city with quite the saga to tell our family as well as a vow to never step foot in Orange Walk again....except maybe to go for tacos and salbutes.

Thankfully we are alive to tell this tale...

Love xoxox

Charlies Angels, risen from the dead

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